Vous trouverez ci-dessous le dossier de candidature à imprimer pour le programme "Jeunes Ambassadeurs" 2010. N’hésitez pas à contacter vos professeurs d’anglais ou à lire les documents figurant dans l’article pour de plus amples informations.
- Programme des Jeunes Ambassadeurs
Témoignage de Yannick Annor, Jeune Ambassadeur 2008-09, ancien élève d’Évariste Galois.
« Découvrir un autre monde, cela m’a toujours fait envie. Surtout, les États-Unis, ce pays dont je rêvais depuis bien longtemps. J’ai appris à connaître la société américaine en vrai et j’ai rencontré beaucoup de personnes avec qui je garde toujours le contact. La découverte de l’Amérique a été une réelle expérience pour moi, car j’y étais pendant les élections 2008 et cela fut un évènement historique aux Etats-Unis.
I went to Washington DC and Seattle, two charming cities where I shared my culture, discovered another one and now I want to go back to America ! »
All application files, with the attached documents have to be sent before May 7th, 2010, at the following address :
L’Acsé Ile-de-France
A l’attention d’Anne SANQUER
43 boulevard Diderot
75578 PARIS cedex 12
Tel : 01 44 68 43 07
Objectifs du Programme
– Agir pour l’égalité des chances
– Développer le sens civique des participants et leur goût pour l’engagement associatif
– Développer le dialogue interculturel entre les jeunes Français et les jeunes Américains
Critères de sélection
– Etre scolarisé en seconde ou première pendant l’année scolaire 2009-2010
– Etre inscrit dans un lycée public d’Ile de France, d’Aquitaine, du Nord-Pas-de-Calais, de Rhône-Alpes, ou de PACA.
– Etre capable de s’exprimer en anglais
– N’être jamais allé aux Etats-Unis
– Avoir un goût pour l’engagement associatif
Il est tenu compte du quotient familial, qui doit être inférieur ou égal à 700.
Objectives of the program :
The objectives of the program are threefold :
– First, to support equal opportunity by favoring the participation of young people coming from low-income backgrounds ;
– Second, to develop the civic sense of the participants and their interest in community service ;
– Third, to enable French students to discover American culture from within, and encourage cultural understanding and exchange between French and American youngsters.
Details about the program :
An orientation session of four days will take place in Paris in July, during which the students will have the opportunity to meet each other, to meet the organizers, and to discover in more detail the program of their future trip in the United States, which will be divided in two parts.
– During the first week, the students stay in Washington, D.C. in order to get acquainted with the American political world. In addition to discovering the city and its institutions, they participate in various cultural and community service events.
– During the second week, the students separate into three groups and travel to different cities last year they traveled to—Seattle, Los Angeles and Gettysburg—where they share the everyday life of their hosting American family. They attend school with their American counterparts. They are asked to talk about France and to debate on themes such as cultural diversity, identity and equal opportunity.
Selection criteria :
The participating students will be selected based on their academic results, their participation in community life, and their level of English. They must all be able to demonstrate that without this program, they would not have the means to travel to the United States.
After a first round of selection by written application, the remaining candidates will undergo a fifteen-minute discussion with members of a jury, composed of representatives of the rectorats of their respective regions, of the United States Embassy in Paris and the Consulates of Lyon and Bordeaux and Marseille of the Acsé and of AFS Vivre Sans Frontière. The selected students are therefore highly enthusiastic, dynamic and implied in community life, and enjoy projects in which international relations play an important role.